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2023 Online Circuit -Highlander

June’s event is Ancients Highlander! Face off in the illustrious Ancients format with a hitch: Richard Carter's self-imposed deckbuilding stipulation applies to every participant! That's right, the special event this month is Ancients Highlander which means you can't have more than one copy of any card in your deck!

The following cards, in addition to the normal Ancients list, are banned for this event:

  • Adarymy

  • Allisara

  • Atiratu

  • Behlial

  • Caitlyn the Free

  • Durin Kortouched

  • Ginerva of the Moon

  • Gnorrow Yaw

  • King Xod

  • Kaimi Fateseeker

  • Sakar

  • Sigrida Valora

  • Sorscha

  • Tavis Jape

  • Yscar the Elder

Entry: FREE

Sign-ups: Contact @Graham on Discord with your decklist between Wednesday 5/31/23 and Thursday 6/8/23 @ 9PM Central Time.

Event Start: Friday 6/9/23 @ 10PM Central Time

Format: Ancient Highlander + Additional Banlist (Above)

Tournament Structure: Swiss

Where: Warlord Discord /

Prizes: TBA

Game Rules: 4E (Most Recent) Rules / Ancients Format / Highlander (Explained below)

MRP/Errata: Most recent printings and errata will be enforced.

Limited Wish/Phoenix Feather: Both are banned for this event.

Ancients is a player created and maintained ‘limited’ Open format with a banned and restricted list that seeks to keep things fresh and healthy while as wide open as possible. You can find the Ancients Format rules here.

On The Accordlands website you can set the ‘Format’ filter to Ancients to search for Ancients-legal cards to build your deck with.

Highlander is a deckbuilding restriction playing off the famous Highlander movie line “there can be only one”. And that’s exactly how the format works! There can be only one copy of each card in your decklists regardless of other rules. Only one Zartoch, one Brine Fiend, one Zombie. It’s as simple as that.

Earlier Event: May 12
May Ancients
Later Event: June 10
Northwoods Open