Online Circuit 2025 - March Classy
Wage war in style as you flip the class of your favorite Warlord in March’s Online Circuit event!
Wage war in style as you flip the class of your favorite Warlord in March’s Online Circuit event!
The factions are going to war! In this 1-on-1 Swiss style tournament with playoffs, you will compete for both an individual point score, and also a total score for your faction. Prizes will be awarded for each! Let it be decided once and for all which is the greatest faction in Warlord!
Ancients comes roaring back in the New Year with new players and new warlords competing for the throne!
It’s the Holiday season, which means its time to play with the new goodies from the Ancients update!
The first ever Online Circuit Charity Brawl! Roll dice and cause havoc during the tournament for a multitude of great causes to donate to!
The Madness is upon us! Not March Madness, not Macho Madness (YEAH,) but Medusan Madness! This month we'll find out which big bad evil guy is the baddest of them all!
Glory awaits in this month's online circuit, our annual Online World Championship! Make your deal to the Eldritch horror responsible for Untap's dice roller, seize the initiative, and crush your foes in our most competitive Ancients event of the year!
The dust of the demo event has settled and Online Worlds is on the horizon! This month is your chance to test your hot new Ancients jank to get ready for glory! Join us for August Ancients!
Did you miss the GenCon Preview deck event last year? Need to show that the Warboss really is the Boss? Then join us for this month’s Online Circuit event as we dive back into a preview of the Saga format!
Can’t wait to get your hands on the new cards? Good news! We’ve got an event right here just waiting for you to sign up! Come and join us for June’s Ancients Online Circuit event!
Delve into the multiverse, make Mak and Makob the best Dwarf they can be, and ask yourself “What If?” as we dive into Turncoat Ancients in this month’s Online Circuit event!
New Warlords are legal this month as we brace ourselves for a new era of Warlord on the horizon! Join us as we celebrate new and old in Ancients this month!
We’re experimenting with a new feature to traditional ancients: pods! Pods are groups of cards that cannot be put into the same deck, that should allow us to break up NPE combinations without banning. We’ve also modified the Reserved, Restricted and Banned lists to account for pods.
Across the Accordlands, the great powers are stirring. The Eternal Emperor unleashes the power of the Storm. King Alaric leads his people to the surface. High Queen Tepheroth’s undead hordes shamble out of the forests. Free King Dukat rallies the humanity’s champions to heroism once again. Ablung the Creator plots a new world order from his broken spire in ruined Mourn. High King Krun, the arch-strategist and savage warrior, schemes to bring the entirety of the Accordlands under his benevolent rule. Choose a side and bring your chosen leader to dominance!
Axe and hammers ring, are you listening? In the lane, the blood is glistening. A beautiful sight, Elves busted up right, rollin’ dice in a Warlord Wonderland. Join us for merriment and cheer in December Ancients!
This event might Classy, but everyone in it is a no-good Turncoat. Join us for what is bound to be an over-the-top event in Class is in Session Turncoat in this month’s Online Circuit event!
Every dream of fighting dragons on the bluegrass fields of your Old Kentucky Home? Grab your fried chicken and finest bourbon and come join us in Owensboro KY for a Kentucky Friend Tournament.
None of these Warlords were ever considered to be the Belle of the Ball… Until now.
It is time for the annual Warlord World Championship! Do you have what it takes to be 2023’s Warlord World Champion? Sign-ups end on Wednesday September 13th and the event begins Friday September 15th.
Please, step into the lab and build your ultimate (Warlord) creation in this month’s Online Circuit event!
Join us as we learn what a new rules set means for the Ancients format! Winter Warfare? More like Winter Nomorefare!
Come out for a magical day of Warlord and sushi at Hiro’s Gambit, a Warlord event hosted by Daniel Gore and Hiro Sushi Express just Northeast of Indianapolis!
Minnesota invites you to the Northwoods Open! Although Minnesota has hosted several tournaments in the past two years, this will be the largest one yet. Message @Wyvvyrn on discord with any questions. We hope to see you there!
There can only be one! Uh, copy of each card in your deck. Be the last one standing in this month’s Online Circuit Highlander event and become immortal!
Entry: FREE
Sign-ups: Contact @graham on Discord with your deck list between Monday 5/1/23 and Friday 5/12/23 9PM Central Standard Time.
Event Start: Friday 5/12/23 @ 10 PM Central Standard Time
Format: Ancients Format
Tournament Structure: Swiss
Where: Warlord Discord / Untap
Prizes TBD
Game Rules: 4E (Most Recent) Rules / Ancients Format
MRP & Errata: Most recent printings and errata will be enforced.
Limited Wish / Phoenix Feather: No. They may not be included in your deck.
Ancients is a player created and maintained ‘limited’ Open format with a banned and restricted list that seeks to keep things fresh and healthy while as wide open as possible. You can find the Ancients Format rules here.
On The Accordlands website you can set the ‘Format’ filter to Ancients to search for Ancients-legal cards to build your deck with.
Brave the roads of New Jersey to compete with some of the best Warlord players around today! There will be veterans and new returnees aplenty, and the food alone will be worth the trip.
4th Edition is often heralded as Warlord at its most balanced, especially compared to Saga and Epic. But what if we threw all of that right out the window? Grab your favorite OP Warlord, give them a whole lot of broken extra text, and go to town wrecking both the format and your opponents!
Ever wanted to change your favorite Warlord’s class? Well I have good news for you old sport, Classy 2023 has arrived!
A New Year is upon us and it’s time to give the new Ancients changes their due. Start the year off right by showing everyone how they were sleeping on the hottest Mak and Makob tech this entire time and rise to the top of the leaderboard as we welcome in 2023.
Brought to you by the 2022 Online Strategic Champs: Team NoThRoG, show up ready to fight not one but three other players simultaneously in this multiplayer event of epic proportions!
Warlord Saga of the Storm in all forms is © and ™ Alderac Entertainment Group which has no affiliation with Guardians of the Storm.