Entry: FREE
Sign-ups: Contact @Westley on Discord with your decklist between Monday, 11/1/21 and Friday 11/12/21 at 9PM Central Time.
Event Start: Friday, 11/12/21 @ 10PM Central Time
Format: Quality of Life Ancients Format (SEE BELOW)
Tournament Structure: Swiss
Where: Warlord Discord / Untap.in
Prizes: TBA
Game Rules: 4E (Most Recent) Rules / Ancients Format*
*Note updates to the Ancients Format listed here.
MRP/Errata: Most recent printings and errata will be enforced.
Limited Wish/Phoenix Feather? No.
Quality of Life Ancients is a format we are trying out this month. It’s Ancients with two special rules:
1) Each player has the option to include a 5-card side deck.
2) Every game, a player may mulligan once.
Your side deck is an additional pool of five cards from which you may pull cards to alter your deck for games 2 and 3 of any given match. You may not begin the first game of a match with cards from your side deck in your main deck. Your side deck shares ‘Lord’ restrictions with your main deck (such as the one Warlord per deck rule) and your main deck must follow all deckbuilding restrictions including card type restrictions at all times. This means you cannot change your Warlord at any time or swap to running a different Dragonlord or run an additional copy of an Epic trait card for games 2 and 3. This also means if you put five characters in your side deck and your main deck is already 50% characters, you may not remove actions and items from your main deck to bring in the additional characters. You will need to remove characters to include characters in that instance.
One free mulligan will be allowed to each player once during each game. After starting armies are revealed but before initiative is rolled, before any reacts are used or card effects are triggered, each player may decide whether or not to mulligan. If players wish to clarify the order in which the mulligans are decided, they may roll a die. The player with the higher roll then states first whether they will mulligan or not. The player with the lower roll then decides whether or not to mulligan. A player that chooses to mulligan then shuffles their entire hand into their deck and draws back up to their hand size (the same number of cards). Each player may mulligan only once and must keep the new cards drawn.
Ancients is a player created and maintained ‘limited’ Open format with a banned and restricted list that seeks to keep things fresh and healthy while as wide open as possible. You can find the Ancients Format rules here.
On The Accordlands website you can set the ‘Format’ filter to Ancients to search for Ancients-legal cards to build your deck with.