The Saga Continues...
/heather kreiter ‘thayes ainsworth’
Welcome, friend of the Accordlands, to a new virtual home for Warlord! On its 20th birthday, the Guardians of the Storm have decided to gift Warlord Saga of the Storm with a new online hub to preserve its incredible history, display its enthusiastic present, and look forward to its optimistic future.
Christopher Appel ‘terrorshaard’
We are currently in the process of doing internet deep dives and salvaging things from all over the web in hopes of displaying them here. From early 2000’s articles about art direction to scanned War Journals to starter deck contents… from video tutorials to where to buy cards to how to find the online community… from tournament reports to rules of play to compilations of lore… the plan is to have everything under one easy-to-find roof.
Al Eremin ‘Temple of Lore’
That is our simple goal here, to help others encounter Warlord in all its forms and points in history. To you who seeks knowledge and community, may you find it here.